My initial research found that there were indeed lots of ideas about what was wrong with capitalism, but much less about what might replace it. Mostly there were calls to reform the existing system with a few advocating new approaches. This early foray confirmed that there was an absence of compelling positive alternatives to capitalism. The more I researched, the more I began to seriously question the future of capitalism. I started with several books touching on the future after capitalism, and by 2017, I set up a scanning library to explore the topic more rigorously. I’m not precisely sure when, but I got to the point where I became convinced that capitalism simply no longer fit with the emerging future.
From there, the work to develop images of alternatives to capitalism began in earnest. The lack of a plausible and motivating replacement for capitalism has kept us stuck in a combination of fear, denial, and false hope. Over the last five years I’ve been pouring over the ideas of many excellent citizens, activists, and scholars about what could be next. I intend this book as an initial step. There is so much more to do. I hope you will join me in the long but important journey to After Capitalism.